I swear that mare went into her field and stomped up and down on whatever rock she could find so she was just slightly lame enough NOT to ride. I mean she loves her Granny Cathy, but that also comes with lots of work.
And we had gotten somewhere and I was looking forward to Cathy seeing that. Pooey.
But then again I am just happy she isnt lame anymore. I think Bill laughed at me when he found nothing with the foot testers and then she lunged out sound as a dollar. Little does Gracie know but we are going back to work in the morning!!
But it was a good weekend full of horsey peeps, great lessons, and in general spending time at the barn.
I was able to hop on a good friends horse, Merlin, for a few minutes. He is the coolest little warmblood who is a great schoolmaster.
Even in the most uncomfortable saddle I have ever had the displeasure of sitting in, I was able to do my first flying changes!!
The first one sucked. Oh goodness did it suck. I was like, "what am I doing? Half halt, legs, what?" Merlin changed in front but not behind. Yea I got like a 1 on that one.
So we circled and tried again with Cathy barking at me that I knew what the F a half halt was so use it!
And I used that great tool, put my leg back, and BAM! Lead Change.
I laughed like a fool, Merlin looked at me like I was crazy, and Cathy told me Good job.
So it wasnt all for naught with my mare being lame.
Tomorrow I am planning on riding early in the morning. Then heading out to Crossville to watch the oneday clinic with Cathy there. I have a few horses who are lucky enough to get a massage too. So it wil be a fun and productive day for me.
Gracie just better realize she cant play possum all the possums...The two of us hate more EPM, bad possums....
Gracie being too cute with her new flymask. Even if she was playing at being lame. ;p
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